After menopause, is the "aunt" again because of menopause?Obviously "endometrium cancer", don’t let the "menopausal" carry the pot

Source: Xuzhou Cancer Hospital

With the extensive popular science popularization, more and more women are aware of the importance of health management, and they have begun to pay attention to women’s health.However, some women still despise or even intentionally ignore their physical condition, or wrong cognition, which eventually leads to delay.Recently, the gynecology department of Xuzhou Cancer Hospital has visited a number of patients with "endometrium cancer". Among them, there are such patients with improper vaginal bleeding for a long time …

Aunt Wang (pseudonym) is 49 years old and found menstruation at the beginning of last year.After a lapse, at the beginning of this year, she suddenly found that she was "coming again" and intermittently, and lasting for a long time.It may be because the "menopause" has arrived, and Aunt Wang chose to ignore it.It wasn’t until last month that she began to feel obvious abdominal pain, and then thought of "go to the hospital to see".In the gynecology department of Xuzhou Cancer Hospital, Aunt Wang was diagnosed as "endometrial cancer".

Director Zhu Yanling of the Gynecology Department of Xuzhou Cancer Hospital introduced that endometrial cancer is a set of epithelial malignant tumors that occur in the endometrium, which occurs in the surrounding period and postmenopausal women.Uterine endometrial cancer is one of the most common female reproductive system tumors. There are nearly 200,000 new cases each year and the third common gynecological malignant tumor (second only to ovarian and cervical cancer).

The clinical symptoms of endometrial cancer are mostly manifested in vaginal bleeding after menopause, extension of menstrual period or menstrual disorders, or increased water -like or bloody discharge, and lower abdominal pain.If the tumor affects the inner mouth of the cervix, it can cause pus in the uterine cavity, and lower abdomen pain and spasm -like pain.The tissue or compression of the nerves around the tumor infiltrate the nerves can cause pain in the lower abdomen and lumbosacral.In advance, anemia, weight loss, and malignant diseases (manifested as poor appetite, extremely thin, systemic failure, etc.) and other corresponding symptoms.When the late concubine is infected, the secretion of vulnerability may also occur.

Director Zhu Yanling said that the etiology of endometrial cancer is not clear. There are currently two types of onset types, type I endometrial cancer (estrogen dependencies) and type II uterine endometrial cancer (non -estrogen dependency type).

Type Ⅰ endometrium cancer (estrogen dependencies): more common clinical.It may occur in progesterone antagonism. Under the long -term effect of high -level estrogen, endometrial hyperplasia, typical hyperplasia, and then cancer.

Type II uterine endometrial cancer (non -estrogen dependencies): The onset has no clear relationship with estrogen.The pathological form of this type of endometrium cancer is rare type, such as endometriosis, transparent cell carcinoma, cancer sarcoma, etc.

Because endometrial cancer is not clear, there is no special prevention method.The following methods may be helpful to reduce the risk of endometrial cancer: increasing the emphasis on vaginal abnormal blood bleeding, especially for women’s menstrual period and postmenopausal women.Do not abuse your own drugs and health products containing estrogen ingredients.High -risk people should insist on regular inspections, and the main screening methods are ultrasound monitoring the thickness and abnormal conditions of the endometrium.

High -risk groups of endometrial cancer include:

1. Obesity, obese people get the risk of endometrial cancer.2. Those who are not pregnant, those who are not pregnant are at least more than doubled than the prevalence of endometrial cancer that has given birth to a child.3. People with a late up menstrual period, patients with endometrial cancer can be more than 6 years later than normal women. After the age of 52, the risk of endometrial cancer should be significantly increased.4. Patients with diabetes, diabetes can increase the chance of endometrial cancer.5. Patients with hypertension are also high -risk people who get endometrial cancer. Due to obesity, diabetes and hypertension can coexist in patients with endometrial cancer. ThereforeSyndrome, dysfunctional uterine bleeding is a high -risk group of endometrial cancer.

"Some tumor diseases are more hidden, and many examinations may not be clear, and endometrial cancer only needs to pass ultrasonic examination, pelvic MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), diagnostic curettage, hysteroscopy biopsy, etc., you can simply simpleFind out. Therefore, it is very important and necessary to improve the cognition. If there is abnormal vaginal bleeding, it is very important and necessary to seek medical treatment in time! "Director Zhu Yanling said.

Director Zhu Yanling said that there are also some young patients with endometrial cancer who were diagnosed with endometrial cancer before the age of 40.Most of these young patients are type I endometrial cancer, that is, estrogen dependencies, and the onset may be related to the long -term estrogen effects that antagonal antagonism -free antagonal. Clinically, ovulation -free diseases such as ovulation -free blood and polycystic ovary nests, polycystic ovary nestsWomen of syndrome often have obesity, hypertension, and diabetes.

One of the characteristics of this type of population is no ovulation, scarce menstruation, infertility or infertility is also one of its characteristics.Because modern women’s fertility is generally delayed, many women have discovered endometrial lesions and even endometrial cancer before unmarried.Therefore, young uterine endometrial cancer patients also have the need to retain fertility while treating diseases, which is also a problem that gynecologists pay attention to.

Patients with endometrium cancer or pre -cancer lesions, the important task after retaining fertility treatment is to complete fertility. Whether these patients can get pregnant normally and how the pregnancy ending is the focus of the patient’s attention; these patients often have potential adverse factors.It is the focus of clinicians to help them complete pregnancy by helping her pregnancy.In recent years, the number of patients with endometrial cancer and pre -cancer lesions has gradually increased. This group often has fertility difficulties due to ovulation disorders.No ovulation or scarcity ovulation has caused endometrial stimulation for a long time, and the lack of progesterone protection, becoming a high risk factor for pre -endometrium cancer lesions.Common people with ovulation disorders are found in women who are surrounded and patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. The ability to transform androgen in obese women’s fat in fatty women to increase the level of estrogen levels.Some functional tumors can also increase endogenous androgen. When endogenous and exogenous estrogen stimulation is enhanced, the risk of endometrial cancer lesions also increases.Endometrial cancer and pre -cancer lesions are related, which is necessary to treat disease treatment and pregnancy. Therefore, patients with endometrial cancer or pre -cancer disease should complete fertility as soon as possible after the treatment of drug treatment.

Some pictures come from the Internet and WeChat circle of friends

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