After breastfeeding, there is a painful pain in the breast, what’s wrong with this

Recently, there are many mothers of breast milk asking questions that the breasts have abnormal conditions such as milk stasis, surgery, and history of disease.A few hours.

And this situation did not appear at the beginning of the postpartum, but suddenly appeared after giving birth to a baby after a period of time. Some mothers even accompanied the nipples, hardness, and tingling with the nipples after breastfeeding.After trying various ways to fail, her mother had helplessly chose the milk to get rid of the pain.


What is the problem everyone described?(What is it?)

What are the usual performances?

How to prevent such pain?

How to deal with this situation?

What is this breast pain?

This situation described by everyone is likely to be vascular spasm. If the blood vessels in a certain area of the body suddenly tighten (that is, narrow or shrink), the blood flow and oxygen in the area will be reduced.At this time, it will cause breast stabbing or burning pain.

Vascular spasm pain in breasts is sometimes called breast contraction syndrome (MCS). Breast contraction syndrome is named after the symptoms of deep breast pain caused by blood vessel contraction in the breast tissue.Vascular spasm may also occur in the nipple.

In fact, it is much more common than generally considered. It may occur with any cause of nipple pain, and it may actually be the result of damage, but sometimes there may be no other type of nipple pain at all.

What are the usual performances?

The main symptoms

Once the baby spit out the nipples, the nipple and/or breasts will appear in the nipple and/or breast.Pain may also occur when leaving the warm environment or going out on a cold day.It may not feel pain when breastfeeding.The nipples may change the color (white or purple), and between the color (for example, the white becomes pink, and the white back white) is changed for several minutes or even one or two hours.Pain may last for several seconds or even hours, which may occur in one side of the breast or bilateral breasts may accompany the vascular spasm with other parts of the body.

How to prevent such pain?

Try to avoid inducing causes

Breast vascular spasm may be a secondary reaction of nipple trauma. Therefore, any cause of nipple pain may induce breast vascular spasm.

Stress stressful mental stress

This is the most common cause of breast vascular spasm.

There may be many reasons for nervousness. After giving birth, breast milk mothers may encounter many difficulties. The shoulders and chests may become tight inadvertently with the tightness of the spirit.The nipple lacks blood flow and oxygen, causing pain.

Even if the mother is sitting in muscle tension caused by breastfeeding for a long time, or the painful breastfeeding experience will cause pain. This pain may be short or sustainable, deep or shallow, itchy, tingling, tingling painSore or sword -like, burning or any pain combination of pain.


For example, when we go out from the warm weather in the cool weather, our fingers may turn white, and the blood flowing to the fingertips will cause pain.

If this phenomenon occurs on the breast, when the environment where the warm shower is left or goes out in cold weather, breast blood vessel spasm may also occur.

When the breastfeeding is over, once the baby takes out the nipple, the blood vessel spasm will occur after breastfeeding.Because the external air is lower than the temperature inside the baby’s mouth, when the baby spit out the nipples, the nipples will start to turn white (this may also be caused by dry nipples). Usually, when the nipple becomes whitePain.

After becoming whitening for a while, the nipples may actually change back to normal color (because the blood starts to flow back to the nipples). At the same time, the nipples have pain in the nipples and may even cause severe breast pain.


When the baby is breastfeeding, the breasts, bite breasts, pulling or chewing nipples can cause the mother’s nipple pain. When the mother feels pain, it is easy to tighten the shoulders, bite the teeth, etc. This may also cause the blood vessel spasm of the breast, which will cause the pain to trigger painThe cycle starts again.

Breastfeeding mothers in most cases are caused by breast pain or nipple pain in most cases.

In addition, the use of vascular contraction drugs, tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, etc. can also cause breast vascular spasm.

What should I do if my breast blood vessel spasm occurs?

If you find that you have the phenomenon of breast vascular spasm and have excluded the breast chanting infection, then you need to comprehensively investigate the cause of your breast vascular spasm and adjust it in time.Try:

1. Adjust your breastfeeding posture and your baby’s milk posture to ensure that your baby can be deep milk when eating milk.

For specific methods, please refer to the article: Dr. Ma Lei appeared in person to tell you a good breastfeeding posture!

2. Avoid contact with cold air.

Avoid dry air in the surrounding environment when breastfeeding, and the environmental temperature is too low.Avoid exposing the breast in the cold air when breastfeeding; after taking a shower, avoid directly out of the shower room, you can completely cover the breasts and keep warm, so that the cold air cannot reach the breast directly.

3. Dry hot compress breasts.

Dry and hot -applying breasts can prevent blood vessels from occurring and relieve pain.When the baby releases the nipple and leaves the breast after the breastfeeding is over, immediately perform dry hot compresses, such as hair dryers, heating slices, hot compresses pads, rice bags that have been added with microwaves, hot water bottle, etc., you can also rub the nipple breasts immediately.

4. Chest muscle massage.

After feeding or nipples or breast pain, massage the chest muscles under the clavicle and the chest above the chest.Massage should be very powerful and compact, and should be about 60 seconds on each side.You can also massage under the breasts or between or between or in the armpit, but this massage should be performed gently.

5. Special stretching exercise.

If the breast has pain, you can stretch the muscles around the breast throughout the day to make the blood easier to flow. The specific method is to raise one arm to the shoulder height or slightly lower, and then press it back/backwardsEssenceStick your breath and take a deep breath twice.Each arm stretchs once twice, and the palm is forward, and one hand faces the back.

6. Avoid contact with substances that shrink blood vessels.

Such as nicotine, caffeine, weight loss pills, and cold medicine containing pseudohadium or oxygenyphine, β -blockers and other vascular contraction drugs because they exacerbate symptoms.Oral contraceptives containing estrogen are also related to vascular spasm.

7. Magnesium can help relax muscles and blood vessels.

If blood vessel spasm pain occurs, magnesium supplements are particularly useful.If there is no significant improvement within 3 to 4 weeks, stop replenishment.If the magnesium is reduced, you can continue to take it until the pain is stable (or no pain) for 2 weeks, and then stop.

8. If the pain is not only, you can take medicine under the guidance of a doctor.Use vascular dilatation drugs such as niopine.

9. When the pain is unbearable in the short term, the painkillers can be used under the guidance of a doctor.

In the end, breast milk mothers should also relax as much as possible, find the right way to relieve negative emotions in time, reduce mental stress, and breastfeeding will be smoother!

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